Speak Up For Jeremy

Branding and website for a non-profit fighting against the increasing drug overdose rate.

Jeremy Likwarz was a family friend of Corey’s, and when he passed away in 2018 due to an overdose, everyone who knew him knew that something had to give. Jeremy’s mother, Patti, started Speak Up For Jeremy to raise awareness and to help current addicts seek help. Speak Up For Jeremy partnered with Tellurian to start a men’s sobriety house, Jeremy’s Place, which is where 100% of our merch proceeds go. If you would like to contribute to this cause, please visit the website below to donate.

Design Breakdown

The icon of roots and a tree comes from Jeremy’s love of nature, and his strong roots. The heart spreads love and represents the endless love that Jeremy had for his family and friends.

Pink and purple were chosen as the colors because they are calming, purple was Jeremy’s color, and they break gender norms in the hopes of destigmatizing toxic masculinity.